Digiprog 3 V4.82 Update Service
Digiprog 3 V4.82 Update Service
Update Steps:
1. Connect the USB to the computer,start your digiprog3, run Digiloader1.exe.
2.Choose the right port,select Digi1.bin,click the button.If your digiprog3 dose not enter blue screen,check your setting and restart from step 1.

3.In upgrading,It should be like this until over.Attention,It will be damaged if you remove it now.
4.Upgrade Over.Your digiprog3 should restart automatically.

What you have to pay attention when you update Digiprog3?
1. When you update the digiprog3, it will become blue screen(it is normal), please do not disconnect power, keep connecting and wait 10-20 mins, the machine will automatically restart.
2. When you download the update file, please make sure your computer no anti-virus software.
3. Make sure your computer will not become standby status when updating. Computer power must connect ok.
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